Hyo Jin Moon February 11, 1989 Unofficial Notes from 9:00 am Speech
Today is a very special day. It is a day of judgment, commitment and a chance to re-address the vows that each one of us has made to True Parents.
As children facing parents you do not love according to your own need or your own schedule. When you live with children, every moment, each interaction with your child is valuable and immeasurable. It is an intense relationship. In order for us to truly rejoice this day, we have to face True Parents as true children, transcending every manmade, physical aspiration. To realize True Parenthood, we first have to be true children. Only because True Parents exist, is it possible to become a true child. Because of them we can participate in this life and enriching experience of love.
How many people here come from small towns? Which do you like better, small towns or big cities? Many of you say small towns, but actually many young people like big cities better, why? There are more opportunities in big cities. It is possible to get better jobs and to meet someone new. They are not satisfied with the social patterns of a small town. They do not like the values there so they go looking for something different.When you go to a big city there is a multitude of variety to choose from. Social and ethnic backgrounds are all different. There is a better chance of finding a social pattern or structure that you are comfortable with.
When you come to the city what are you looking for? Some of you said that you like small towns better, with more emphasis on family values, but many times young people are confused. They want to follow millionaires, politicians or people like Ivan Boesky, and that will not work in a small town. They want to break away, look for money, to do what they want.
Because of these opportunities existing in large cities it is difficult to bring people together. There are too many value systems and ideas of what is right and wrong. Americans say that this is a free world and that you can do what you want. They say you have a right to go for it and to make your own decisions. If you want to put emphasis on becoming powerful or making a million dollars, that is your right and your choice. With this thinking there is no criteria for making judgements between what is right and what is false. Anything is okay. A society based on that kind of 'freedom' will be difficult to unite and bring together.
So many times I have heard people say in times of difficulty, "You do not love me, but rather, you love some kind of concept within yourself of what you want me to become. You are not embracing the innate quality that I have, just something that you want out of me". I hear that argument often in a relationship. When you argue like that, emphasizing your own point of view, you will tend to get pushed into confrontation.
[At this point noise from children in the back of the room became distracting. Hyo Jin Nim spoke some words in Korean and asked the parents with crying babies to leave the room] You have to create an atmosphere here! You have to participate too! The preparation you make is very important.
In the society I was describing everybody is left to do whatever they want, as long as they do not hurt anyone. Basically you live to serve your own interests. As long as you do not take advantage of others, anything is possible. With this understanding, it is very difficult to have a true relationship. You would be a hypocrite. As men and women, we cannot avoid living with other people. How can you disregard that fact? If your value system puts total emphasis on yourself then principled relationships will be impossible, they would all be hypocritical. We would all be pretenders because in our deepest conscience we would only be looking out for ourselves. That is a pretentious society. People say that they care for humanity, but in their daily lives they do not do anything about it. They are working their butts off to support themselves even way beyond their needs, or even the capacity to enjoy. Belonging to this kind of society people cannot live together in harmony.
We all dream of a world where there is no chaos, only peace and harmony. Even the most totally selfish people want this kind of society inside their mind, but what they actually do and live is far from this. Why do we call ourselves the Unification Church? What is your desire? A good world, with no one trying to corrupt you, or take advantage of you. A world where you can go anywhere without worrying about losing your life. No emotional strife, no dark fear, being able to go anywhere knowing people love each other.
What if you are driving down a dark highway and run out of gas? Let's say I am a big shot executive, a CEO, and that is what happens to me. This area is crawling with criminals and crack houses. In my office, I am in my realm. I can say, "You live for me, do what I say, follow my rules". But now . . . on a dark highway, sitting pitifully in my gold- plated Mercedes Benz, I am wishing I was back in my office! Even police do not want to help those kind of people!
As fallen man we long to go back to the origin, we feel that it is where we belong. Fallen man is walking a tightrope, but it is not natural, it is scary up here! We desire to go back down to the ground where we belong. Only when we fall into a hole, for example, a dangerous situation, do we really start valuing what is real, like loving others and those who love me. If you have a loving father, then you never feel alone. You know that somewhere there is someone who loves you. That is very secure, you can feel safe. What do we need for that security everywhere we go? There must be an underlying feeling to substantiate it. You feel that security within a family. So even in the city with many different values there has to be this unifying theme.
Not everyone can write poetry, sing songs, or speak well but everyone has a special quality, something that they are good at. Especially in high school teenagers like to cling together. They find some group they can associate with and then cling to them. Many times in this world emphasis is placed on external things, physical things matter a great deal. In love all different physical attributes can be embraced, even the entire universe. When one is enraptured in love everything will be seen with that love. When you live in love you see a unique quality in everyone. Everything has beauty because you see it from the point of view of love. In order to experience this love, you need someone to have give and take with. When you understand the purpose of love you see your purpose is everything, so you can have give and take. Everything is there so you can experience love. You appreciate the value of things that exist around you.
How many of you are married? When you are loved by your wife, what makes you feel good? Why did you get married? Why do man and woman come together? We are longing for something. What makes you happy? Who initiates love, you or your wife?[ A few brothers answered the man does. Hyo Jin Nim is laughing and asks] You mean you wives never initiate love? What do you do, stand on opposite sides of the room and run towards the middle and hope you will meet there? Husbands, when you go home you have to say something like, "Honey you look so beautiful today. You were beautiful yesterday but you are even more beautiful today. Your eyes are like sparkling stars in the sky, your cheeks are as soft as a babies butt." You have to say things like that to each other!
Someone has to start, and then there has to be give and take. The more give and take you have, the more chance you have of excelling relationships where there is little or no give and take. So if I want it and no one else is doing it, I have to initiate give and take. You can substantiate anything you want in this world of freedom. If you want the kind of world where there is love everywhere you have to start it. That kind of world can come from my hands. It is no good to say, " I will tag along after someone else starts". Are you thinking, Why do I need to suffer, let some one else do the job?" What would happen if that thinking becomes an epidemic? If our child is in danger, we take action. What about this world? As much as you love your things, you have to love Heavenly Father. That is what Father has told us. Give yourself for the sake of the whole. Many times Father sacrifices his family for this world. You know that. I do not have to say it again. You know Father has walked that course.
The answer is True Parents. The first parents failed to unite with Heavenly Father. They failed in their commitment which was to be the basis for constructing an ideal world where everybody can live as one. Conscientious ideal citizens will promote themselves to become one of the whole, to unite as one. There is an underlying, transcending theme of unity of the whole. It does not matter if you are talented in music, poetry or science, everyone in society has this underlying value. Within that society joy will come. Because I have given to the whole, what I have given will come back.
I made a choice of living for the whole. I drilled it into myself. I made the decision to come here and speak to you. I decided. That is the value that everyone has to have. The failure of Adam and Eve is that they were thinking of themselves. At the moment of the fall, they did not think of God, but themselves. They made the decision to cross the line, to go against God and follow their own desire. God was excluded from that relationship.
Would you be happy if I just liked a particular group of people? I love everyone who lives for the sake of love. It does not matter what color or gender you are. That value will serve God's purpose, you cannot bring the ideal without it. The ideal will not come where there is a division of values.
It seems that history has developed from conflict. Communists say that through struggle mankind is progressing. If you look only at the external results it is easy to believe this way, but you have to look at the cause. Heavenly Father is waiting for the right time to manifest his ideal. With the chosen people he is battling the barriers. Even the communists say, "You have to live for the state, then everything will be given to you. The state is like the body, you are like the cell." Communists are using the Unification principle without God. That is what Satan is doing.
Look at yourself in retrospect, do you still have the fire you did when you first joined? I am glad for those who do. What about everyone else, what happened? The principle has not changed, the same truth is still here. We have made progress, we have come a long way. How can you sit there and be lame? How will you face the saints and sages who have been waiting for thousands of years? You cannot even wait five, six or ten years! You give little, expecting a lot. You are stealing because you do not want the hardship of working. Do something for the sake of the ideal world, substantiate something, do not just let it remain in the conceptual realm.
I want to relieve God of His regrets, struggle and pain. If you love your Father as much as you love your own flesh and blood, we have to do something about it. How else are you going to set an example for your children? What will happen if one day they say to you, "Mommy and Daddy, do not tell me to do these things because you never do anything."? Are you going to blame God for giving you bad children? That is not the example to set. They are looking at you, they are learning from you. Why do you think I do this, because I am special? No, I want the ideal family! I love Father and am indebted to him. Where is your faith? Many of you have lost it. How can you say this is enough? People still do not know the principle, they are still searching and we do not know enough to use all the establishments that Father has constructed. Why can't we have The Washington Times in every state? No money? We have this idea but no substance. We do not put the idea into action. We just barely maintain what we have. The Korean GNP was less than $1000. People lived on $90 a month. With that we still provided funds to build The Washington Times and many institutes. If you cannot bring result, your children will bear your burden. Who of you says "I am going to take it easy and let my children do it"? I appeal to America through the foundation that Father has prepared. What is left is our action. We need to make effort, every moment you have you should be doing something for our cause, something united with Heavenly Fathers will. Our actions must reflect the ideal intentions of God, you have to do that. Responsibility is not a burden because through it you can obtain God. Through your own effort you have to obtain the ideal which is reciprocating with God. That is the only way to give and take upon His love. With your own effort you are creating the ideals of God, duplicating the creation process. I am giving 100% for the sake of love and ideal substantiation, like God at the time of creation. When I do that I can receive the deep, immediate love of Heavenly Father. All other animals in nature run driven only by instinct, but we have the freedom to make choices. Through this freedom we are actively choosing to unite with God. That is why we can receive His love. Can you give up and still expect to receive His love? If you do something other than what God is doing you cannot expect to receive His love. Men and women can fall, but they can also make the decision to follow God. Man has failed to deliver his end of responsibility. You have to make that decision. No one is excluded. Everybody must follow this path to reach the ideal. Make a clear choice and then be committed until you see it through. Every day you have to remind yourself where you belong. "I belong to the Kingdom of Heaven, not this world. I have to clean up this world that has become full of garbage. Many people have a cold, they cannot smell the garbage of this world, many people are blind, they cannot see that if they keep going like they are they will hurt themselves. I will be their eyes, ears and nose. My house will stay clean forever, I will let no garbage in to dirty it."
How are we going to defeat the enemy? Only with love. With that attitude I will face the enemy. No matter how arduous it is or what torture I face, I will not break this promise. This world will praise those people who stick it out to the end. When you go into the ring, only one winner comes out. That is the kind of Father we have, and it is the kind of children we should be. When you accept that, you begin to enjoy the pain in challenging this kind of life. That is the only way to become better. We are here to take responsibility for man's failure. Through our effort and blood, sweat and tears there will be a manifestation of God's ideal world.
I am appreciating everything, do you think that is easy for me? You have to accept it. I totally accept what I have to do, I made the choice. I was always trying to analyze everything Father told me to do. I hated it, I tried to justify my way out of it. My goal, my clear intention was to satisfy myself. I hated going to school. I like music and exercise. But now it is different. I have to think about God, about True Parents and about the ideal world. Now my ability to analyze has shifted-all towards Satan. I analyze every step that Satan takes. We have the intelligence to build the ideal world.
This is not the end, the Unification Church is not the goal. The ideal world is my goal. We have to create a unified nation, living and giving myself absolutely for the sake of the whole. The American system is the best we have and it is failing in so many directions. We need something better. How do you think changes come? Just twenty years ago blacks were considered second class. How did change come about? One man with an idea. Time demanded it and the idea was fulfilled. Now it is time, people know the American system is not working. We can provide a voice for the future. We have the means to do that.
We are not here as demagogues to appeal to a secular minority. We truly put our words into action to love our fellow man. We cannot be hypocrites or pretenders, but we should embody God's ideal--one unified world. We have to show evidence. You should keep going until the world is one. Show these things through our deeds, that is the only way. To live for the sake of something greater than yourself is the basis of all religion. That is the intention when an individual worships God.
If I cut off God in the past, I can sure cut off Satan. I can cut off Satan totally, that is much more realistic. Let's do it for the sake of love. We have to multiply and magnify all the effort that Father has put into America. Father's intention is to magnify the love of God more and more. I want to make this love bigger. It is not easy. I have to face a period of growth. We have to separate ourselves from Satan, from living in this world every day. We should be able to live free, but realistically life is separating from Satan every day. Realistically our mission is not as hard as what Father has faced. We have it much easier. Be patient, it is coming, things are changing but it takes time. Success does not come overnight. Success does not come like winning the lottery, that is dangerous thinking. Even getting a PhD. you have to suffer.
You know what you have to do, right? Why? For the sake of love. Receive parents, then you can be a true sister or brother. Small problems do not matter. With love we can sacrificially overlook things. Love each other.